“At the end of the day it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished, it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”
Denzel Washington
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Developed in 2014, BIGHORN Cares grants serve a broad range of people and programs – from educational outreach, afterschool services, maternity aid, disability assistance, shelter relief, foster care, health screenings, and military programs. BIGHORN Cares has gifted over $5.4 million through 572 grants to qualified non-profits, funding serious projects that significantly impact the quality of life for the people they serve. “There are countless non-profits in the Coachella Valley that need financial assistance for specific projects and we invite them to apply for a BIGHORN Cares grant,” said BIGHORN Cares Chairman Joe Kirby. “BIGHORN is an extremely philanthropic, private club and it’s a pleasure to support as many organizations as we can through this program, knowing that it’s the individuals and families that ultimately benefit.”
Since its inception in 2006, BIGHORN Golf Club Charities and its Members have gifted over $500 million in funding to support wellness, education, elderly, and enrichment services to the public. BIGHORN Golf Club Charities is the parent organization for both BIGHORN BAM, which funds a number of local cancer-related causes, and BIGHORN Cares, which funds specific projects for local non-profits that demonstrate a need and make a real difference in the quality of life for people in the Coachella Valley